Here I sit typing away on the blog with Gemini Dreams rocking in a storm. There was an earlier wave that set off the "Mommy radar" that I kind of blew off. No that didn't go over well but the kids sat in the cabin and made her happy as I sat in the cockpit eating sushi and melons and watching the lightning.
Pink Floyd Animals
When the kids movie was over it was time for bed. I guess Tin was tired as he is still to wake up from the current wave of the storm. This one was worth the time to get back up out of bed, lash the tarps, hatch, companion boards and all loose items. I felt it coming. Kind of like in the movie twister when the yard chimes started to "ting". Well in a tight anchorage or in a marina the same sounds go off: The wind whistles in the rigging, the halyards "ting" against the masts, the lines start to slap the cabin roof, and if you don't hurry the increasing wind brings mist rushing through the cabin. Checking the radar this is a pretty good cell and will last long enough to post on the blog I have been neglecting. After all I have done so far in this little journey 40 knot winds tied to the dock is nothing. The main concern is for possible hail and two big solar panels. I didn't cover them so fingers are crossed.
It has been in the mid 90's for a couple weeks with a heat index of over 100° everyday.
. WTF that was some thunder, around 20 seconds long. I had to get up and check. There is a magical light show over PCB at the moment. lightening all around. Some of it right near of off of the TV tower. (the one with the beach cam on WJHG's web site). Who knows if I can finish this post before the power goes out (no not on board but the internet WIFI connection). I have yet to plug into shore power since I left Indiantown!
These above record HIGHS are getting old! I could be in Marathon or Bahia Honda and be cooler. It is too hot to work on projects, too hot to sleep (no midnight breezes most of the days), it is almost too hot to fish! Well almost. I think I'll take the kids to the beach nearby tomorrow to cool off.
Most of the storm has passed now. I am going to open up some ventilation and try to sleep.
Hey it cools down later in the week only 90°
If there are any good pics tomorrow I will just add them to this entry.
Thanks for hanging out in a storm with nothing else to do,
Battersea power station from Nanny McPhee @ 1:00:18
Oh and by the way, an Animals cover variation was also seen on the new Nanny McPhee returns movie. One of the dirigibles (blimps) was shaped like a pig. Boo thought I was crazy for stopping it when I saw the scene.
You know that I care what happens to you,
And I know that you care for me.
Or the weight of the stone,
Now that I've found somewhere safe
And any fool knows a dog needs a home,
A shelter from pigs on the wing.
I saw that to, was so hilarious at the beginning but later, for me, was a very nice detail, a tribute from the director pheraps?