If time is money and you have more time, Do you need more money?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Project 8 nearing completion... Cockpit Sole

Project number 8 is nearing completion.  The old cockpit sole was broken and leaking water into the keel during every rain.  I kept worrying about taking a wave into the cockpit or an actual named storm dumping inches upon inches of water into the cockpit.  I only have to bed the inserts for the 1/4-20 screws and all is complete.

 The Fisher King does the inspection
Out with the old in with the new!

This project was way more expensive than I wanted it to be!  The lumber alone retailed for $450.00!  It also took longer than expected due to manufacturing differences in available teak (some are 3.75 and some are 3.875 wide).  I found this out on the last board and had to source a replacement.  lucky to find one the correct dimensions on the last road trip.  No it is not perfect but with the tools available on s/v Gemini Dreams, it will do.

It FEELS so much better under bare feet!