If time is money and you have more time, Do you need more money?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hurricane Force winds and Smile your on Candid Camera.

Well as we sit here hunkered down a braving out the North Wind I just saw that Alaska has hurricane force winds!  Worst storm in 40 years!  Hope you are all okay Tom!  See you at Bahia Honda in a few months.  Maybe Linda wont kick us out at sunset! lol

Ok back to getting ready.  I have a new toy!  I just sold the camera that has brought you so many good photos of last seasons trip.  There will be some times when I wish I still had it (low light and long distance) but I was always stressful having it around the water.  S/v Wee Happy (now Way Happy) has lost two since I met them last year and their new on is acting up even before it gets to the keys!  So they are shopping for their 4th camera?  I also keep telling Tin "no" when he asks to use the camera for fear of water.  I have made the decision and got a GOPRO Hero2 Hd.  Long name for such a small camera.
I hope it is as good as the hype!

Of course there are massive amounts of accessories.  If you have massive computing power for editing video  there is even a 3D housing to hold two cameras and give 3D. So as not to sound like a commercial you can go to GoPro.com and see for yourself.

We hope to have awesome pictures and videos of our adventure.

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