If time is money and you have more time, Do you need more money?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wasting Away Again In Alice Town

Largest outrigger canoe I have seen, around 45 feet

After the little ordeal of 9 3/4s we spent the next 8 days wasting away in Bimini.  The flights to Nassau had crashed the cruising budget so we surfed the internet to occupy our time.  We chose to forgo the Homecoming Festivities that lasted into the wee hours of the morning.  Our biggest adventure was the daily trip up to CJ's that went like this...

Anchorage next to Bimini Big Game Club

Day 1
"Conch fritters?"
"No conch fritters"
"See you tomorrow."

Day 2
"Conch fritters?"
"No conch fritters"
"See you tomorrow."

Day 3
"Conch Fritters?"
"No conch fritters, but they be here in 30 minutes."
"See you in an hour"

As we topped the hill and turned toward CJ'c
"Corey!  They's back for them conch fritters!

Waiting past all those "Salty" crossing days had one good thing at least.  We finally got our last conch in the Bahamas.  We are heading out tomorrow (time delayed post).

Duct tape fixes everything

 While spending the night on board s/v Liberty recapping the adventure we talked about recycling all the WWII plane engines into Bahamas aircraft.  They jokingly said "probably held together with duct tape.  I deleted accidentally the better location but if you look close you can see duct tape evidence.

The next step in sailboat navigation, drones?

It is so hard to take his picture

Catnip! Catnip! more Catnip please!

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