If time is money and you have more time, Do you need more money?

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Years Day 2013

Well it's 2013

Before sunrise I was pulling the anchor on New Years Day!  2013!  Does this mean the world didn't end as we know it?  Or are we heading north and the Earth has tilted on it's axis?  Well either way there was no tsunami to let us know.  Hmmm what other doom and gloom projection of future world annihilation am I going to make fun of now.  Only time will tell.

Today was day two otf the beat to windward. Yesterday was simple as most of the day was sailing with the wind or motoring with the rest of the yahoos.  Today on the other hand was the beginning of a slow journey to Marathon.  For a while I thought about going to the Tortugas and making the trip more comfortable.  But there were a couple of issues most notably my fishing license ran expired a couple days ago.  So we continued on our 150 degree course we had be on most of the time since Clearwater.

We had a forecast of 4 days of east wind from 10-15 knots.  Problem was when it arrived it was from the southeast at 5 knots!  Our only real excitement was catching a crab pot and the Gulf being so calm we turned around and retrieved the new lure.  They also had 4 stone crab in the pot that we left.

Sunset day two 1-1-13 the Gulf of Mexico flattening

Sunrise day three

Sunset day three  1-2-13

Twilight day three, welcome to Lake Gulf of Mexico

Sunrise day four, we had wind for two hours

the Pearly Gates,  We have now made it to the Keys

 Sunset Boot Key Harbor 1-3-13

 Sunset Boot Key Harbor 1-4-13

 Here come the Vikings!

 The Keys are so full of Character

It was a long hard road from Cayo Casa but we made it.


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