If time is money and you have more time, Do you need more money?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Tin and I took a trip downtown today.  He needed a doctor to check out his eye.  Some type of infection was making his eyelid all puffy.

While we were there we had lunch at Tom's Hot Dogs and stopped by Books by the Sea.  Sitting on the shelf at books by the sea was Echo written by Dana Smith,  Tin's Mom and my best friend.

Go out and buy a few thousand copies at IndieBound.

Having a Gypsy dancer living in the basement and a practicing witch as a guardian, River Valiente thought nothing in life could surprise her. A vengeful, murderous father and a psychotic sister she never knew existed proved that River’s life was much more complicated than she thought. Magic, romance and prayer prove not to be enough to save her from the life she is destined to live. With a murder plot unfolding, River is forced to seek help. Raine, River’s intuitive, lesbian, pregnant sister, becomes her only chance to survive.

Love Ya

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